I know that is in direct contradiction to
my last post about college football, and the truth is I'm hooked and have no plans to quit watching it. But on Saturday night when I was lying in bed, unable to sleep after an intense Oregon vs. Arizona game, I was reconsidering my feelings. I just get too emotionally involved.
My doubts about the sport started to come on Friday night when BSU had Utah State right on their heels during the first quarter. I got nervous. But then as the Bronco's started to pull away the feeling of anxiety was replaced by pity for the poor Utah State team. It reminded me of last week when they were clobbering Idaho and there was Coach Akey telling his players to lift up their heads "'cuz we're still in this thing". Sometimes I just wish both teams could win.
Then on Saturday after listening to the Ohio State vs. Michigan game in the car while I ran errands I was sure I needed to give it up. I walked into the house and told Richard that I'm much too emotional right now to be involved in these games. I couldn't believe how frustrated I was that Forcier kept throwing interceptions, but that was when I could only hear about them on the radio. The minute I saw him on t.v. sitting on the bench with his head in his hands my heart broke. (I don't even consider myself a fan of either of those teams and my heart was breaking?)
Then of course there was the Oregon/Arizona game. I thought I was rooting for Oregon until Richard told me that Arizona has never played in the Rose Bowl and I thought "How neat that Mark Stoops has turned down head coaching jobs to stick with his brother as defensive coordinator at Arizona, living a bit in Mike & Bob's shadow". It is all so complicated. In any case, after that game I was sure that the stress from college football overtimes was going to put me into labor.
In which case, maybe it's not such a bad thing afterall. Bring on BSU vs. Nevada and maybe I'll have a baby by the weekend!