The purpose of the weekend was to make preparations for an upcoming 80th birthday. I spent an extensive amount of time scanning old pictures for a slideshow of Grandpa Bird's life. I had the privilege of having his wife, Richard's grandmother close at hand along with two of his daughters and two daughters in law.
What a great experience this was for me. My own four biologic grandparents all passed away before I was a teenager. It has been so fun for me to have grandparents again through marriage.
As I scanned the pictures the women around me shared the stories and background. And although I know it sounds cliche, the people came alive to me.
This picture was my favorite. It is of Grandpa & Grandma Bird in 1949 before they were married. Also in the picture is Grandpa's sister, JoAnn. It just struck me that 60 years ago Ray & Larene were in love. Here they are almost exactly 60 years later still in love.
Talk about committment. I'm so grateful for the choices they made along the way that have directly affected my own life and I am so grateful to know them.