Like I said...
It is generally accepted as authentic but for you naysayers-
Catch-up Part II

Catch-up Part I
The first few days of potty training were rough. Then next few weeks were great. Since then we have had ups and downs, a few relapses but these last couple weeks I am feeling a little bit comfortable again. Once Cameron learned that accidents weren't good he would try to hide them from us. One day he left for a few minutes and came back wearing Eli's shorts. He couldn't reach the drawers that contain his clothes so he settled for Eli's. He thought he was sooo sneaky. Richard and I were quite amused. Sadly though, in the picture the shorts don't look that small...don't know what to make of that.
I'm not sure what I love most about this picture; the smile, the sunglasses or the jammies. I love jammies.
These are the neighbors Tyler and Aubrey. Cameron and Aubrey are great buddies. It's so fun that he is to an age where he has little friends that come knock on the door to see if he can play. He calls popsicles, pop-ska-boes.
The quality of the picture isn't that great but these boys were watching a movie together and I've never seen them all three sit still for so long! (The one on the left is Carter, we were watching him for the evening.)
Eli vs. White-out
He was getting quite frustrated by the time I discovered him. I wasn't too angry, one of those moments where you think it's funny as much as anything.
You'll never believe it!
101 Things about Jo
1. I was born in a bathroom. Delivered by my dad.
This was quite time consuming and I don't recommend neglecting any crucial tasks to complete it. But I found it rewarding nonetheless. So, take your time and go to it!
Back So Soon
I saw this first on my friend Natalie's blog and it sent me down memory lane, which is a journey that a sentimental person like me is always willing to make. Since then I have enjoyed the lanes of other friendships on other blogs, leaving behind my memories. So please participate. I'm really looking forward to this so don't disappoint. :)
(If I haven't guilted you into comments yet then this ought to work.)
If you can remember your first memory (or any memory ) of yourself and me, or you and Richard ... post it as a comment - if you comment, consider yourself tagged, then put this same post on your blog and the game continues...
I know these things happen...

Why do we blog?
So it made me think... am I an insecure Mormon Mommy who blog-brags? I was so sure that I wasn't. I usually question my motives before posting things and justify by thinking "it's for family" or "it's my journal" yeah yeah yeah. Well on Wednesday I posted pics from our 4th of July. We left to go camping for a few days and I was sure when I returned there would be loads of comments! And what did I find? One comment. (Thanks Wendy.) I was so disappointed. (That should be my first clue about my self-worth...letting it hang on comments). I know all my fellow bloggers are addicted just like I am and use our google reader to keep constant tabs on each other's posts. So I know you've been reading... If you don't use google reader you need a friend like Stephanie to enlighten you. Now I only spend 4 hours blogging instead of 5. (Yes Dad I am exaggerating.)
Conclusion is: I have issues. Blog issues. Time for a hiatus. But first I just have to post one more thing...see above.
Island Park

Thank you to everyone who made this weekend possible and pleasurable. I really look forward to trips to the cabin and if Cameron and I could have our way we would be there "for a long time ago". (That's what he says when he means a long time.)
And my shout out to the United States of America: I love this country. I get chills on the Fourth of July when I think about the millions of people all watching fireworks, or spending time with their families in honor of our blessed nation.
"Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n rescued land Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserved us a nation!" ~Star Spangled Banner
Welcome To Joseph...