Welcome To Joseph...

Richard and I spent last weekend in Joseph, Oregon for our anniversary. (Five years!) We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast I found online. Some people are B&B people (me) and some are not (Richard). But I think it's growing on him... We take turns planning our anniversary. Mine usually involve a B&B and Richard's usually involve dinner and a movie. Oh well. We can't afford to travel every year. We were discussing why people drove up and down main street so slowly and then we saw this sign. We were a lot more careful how fast we drove after that. Joseph is small town U.S.A. But very tourist-oriented. Richard and I commented on how many stores and restaurants were closed and I've since learned that the economy and gas prices have been hard on tourist communities. So I guess we were just doin' our part to support the small town folk.

On Saturday we did some hiking. The trail we wanted to hike was inaccessible due to an avalanche (long winter in Oregon too I guess). So we did a couple shorter hikes. This was taken from the top of one. The lake down below is Wallowa Lake. That is where we are in the picture below.
We rented a paddle boat and went for a swim.
This is outside the B&B. The couple who owned it were really great. My favorite part of the B&B experience is the people you meet. It was so nice to get away for a little while. Most of you know how Richard's job takes him away a bit and this summer it has been so nice to have him around. He hasn't traveled since May and we've tried to capitalize on our time together.


J and Ris said...

So great that you got to get away. I love the B&B thing. You'll have to give me details later. Congrats on 5 years. What's your anniversary date?

Nate said...

Jo, great to hear from you. Thanks for the encouragement. I really enjoyed your testimony post.

Life is good. Been married for just over a year. School is winding down (somewhat--still working on my thesis). Someday we'll be moving on to someplace else for more adventures.

Keep up the great blog!

The Bailey's said...

that looks like so much fun, u guys are so good to celebrate like you do and my jaw dropped when I thought about u guys being married for 5 years, that went way too fast! Congrats guys!

Wendy said...

Congratulations, guys. It looks like you had a great time!