Island Park

For the Fourth we went to Richard's grandparent's cabin in Island Park. I usually try to limit the pictures I post but since there were people in these besides my little fam I thought I'd include them all. Aside from what is pictured below we also enjoyed many other things. Namely great food (breakfast paninis, dutch oven pizza and cobbler), lots of time to read and relax, card games, fireworks on the water (oh the stories to tell...), thunderstorms, fishing, 4-wheeler rides at dusk (my new favorite), waterskiing, and just conversatin'.
All it took to entertain Cameron and Eli was a beach with rocks they could throw in the water. Despite a couple close calls, no one was hit by the rocks.
It wouldn't be a trip to the cabin without Grandpa putting the boys to work.
And Cameron trying to look tough...
We ate a late lunch in West Yellowstone before the Playmill theater and the boys were thrilled to be at a park. Eli loves to swing!
The teeter-totters were a big hit. I guess they are just one of those things you never out grow. To fully appreciate our facial expressions you have to click to get the big picture.

By the way Jess I really like this picture of you!

The water was surprisingly warm. And even though I was wearing a life jacket Cameron was practically drowning me. Cameron was cool stuff in his helmet and sunglasses. Periodically he would inform us that he was going for a ride on the 4-wheeler. He would go outside and sit on it and let his imagination do the rest. (You might notice in the picture below that his helmet is on backwards.)

This was in West Yellowstone. The boys weren't so much into the Playmill. It was Oklahoma and I couldn't quite appreciate it with these squirmy guys.

I brought a 1000 piece puzzle up to the cabin and Gordon helped me get started on it. Then Suzanne and Laura put in some time but as Richard put it, I was the only one who was "obsessed" with it. I'd like to say that I was determined. Jess helped me on the home stretch to finally get it finished. If you're wondering why I picked a John Wayne puzzle, you just don't know my in-laws very well yet. :)

Thank you to everyone who made this weekend possible and pleasurable. I really look forward to trips to the cabin and if Cameron and I could have our way we would be there "for a long time ago". (That's what he says when he means a long time.)

And my shout out to the United States of America: I love this country. I get chills on the Fourth of July when I think about the millions of people all watching fireworks, or spending time with their families in honor of our blessed nation.

"Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n rescued land Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserved us a nation!" ~Star Spangled Banner


Wendy said...

Those pictures make me miss the Island Park cabin. I love that place! I have so many memories of it! It looks like you all had a great time!

Holly Ogden said...

I too love that place. So many memories! And I love the John Wayne puzzle! You should glue it and frame it to hang in the cabin.

Melissa said...

jo - this sounds like a great 4th. i especially love the puzzle. and share your dedication to such feats. but one thing still has me revelling - breakfast paninis... Please do elaborate!! Sounds delicious!

Bunnell's said...

Oh I love Island Park...Makes me miss home! Cute Jo...Fun to see your family on here!!! CUTE
