Camping at Sage Hen Reservoir

Last weekend we ventured out into the great outdoors and took the fam camping. The weather was perfect and despite having to drive around for a little while we eventually found a fabulous campsite.

Cam and super-cool explora-Misha. (For you Dora watchers...) I think Cameron and Misha finally bonded. He has always liked Misha but while we were camping they went everywhere together. It kind of made me feel better about one or the other wandering around. I never let them go too far of course but there was a hill behind the campsite they liked to run up and down.

Eli was transfixed by the campfire. He really liked these chairs but they were the cause of a great tragedy later on.

I take great pride in building a good fire. Since my girls camp days I have always enjoyed that part of camping. But apparently mine wasn't good enough because Richard took over and really got things going. What a man.
Once Richard had the tent up Cameron kept saying "The sun went down, it's time to go to sleep!" He was pretty excited about sleeping in the tent. Lucky for us both the boys slept pretty well once we got them settled down enough to fall asleep. This is one of those expressions most appreciated by clicking on the picture to see it in larger format. It was rough terrain for an amateur walker. Eli's fanny was well-acquainted with the ground. (Did I really just use the word 'fanny'?) This was the tragedy. Eli face-planted right out of his little camping chair and bit his lips pretty badly. They actually got worse before they got better. I took this picture before their most swollen point. He was pretty glum after this incident. Poor guy. After a nap though he was a trooper again.


Wendy said...

It looks like you guys had a great time, except the part where Eli got hurt. Poor little guy. It looks so painful!
I love the picture of Misha and Cameron together. So cute.
Oh, I have your stamp stuff you ordered. But I will be gone for all of next week. We should plan to get together after I get back and scrapbook!

Laura said...

When we get to Boise we'll have to camp together! Those little chairs are prone to that I believe, my little nieces do it at least once each trip. See you in a week!

Krista said...

Let me start by saying that I appreciated the Dora reference and the use of the word fanny. Looks like you had a fun little outing - the pictures are great!!

Alexandria said...

I didn't know you had dog too. Looks like a lot of fun! Those are 2 cute little boys you have.

Andrea Cutler said...

Cute kids Joanne! Crazy to think that we all have kids now!