call me stubborn if you like

I have considered the poor response to my interview post and come up with two conclusions.


1. All the readers of this blog are humble and don't consider themselves worthy of an "interview".


2. The readers of this blog have no confidence in my interviewing skills.

For the sake of my self-esteem I will you give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it is the former. But, I refuse to post again until I have three more subjects willing to be questioned.

Trust me, you are interesting people.

Did I mention today is my birthday?


Krista said...

Come on people!

J and Ris said...

I would love to be interviewed but don't think I'm creative enough to interview others. What the heck though. I'll call you for help on questions. Count me in, since it's your birthday and all!!!

MKB said...

Eh you can interview me...why not.

Brock and Kristina said...

i'm in jo. bring it on. happy late birthday by the way. my reasoning for not responding was lack of confidence in your interviewing skills. :) (j/k) don't let me down. :)

Sarah said...

ARe you pushy or what Jo? hahaha. Happy Birthday I was going to tell you on FB but got sidetracked, imagine that. Interview me Please!!!

Wendy said...

Happy late birthday, Jo! I hope it was a good day for you.

Anne said...

Okay, so my feelings are with Marissa. I almost agreed to be interviewed but didn't want to commit to interviewing others. I feel no creativity in that area!

Steph said...

Same boat! Wouldn't mind being interviewed and actually think it is a brillent idea, but am hesitant on having to ask people questions myself!!!!!!!! They would be lame like what is your favorite flavor of ice cream or something...hahaha! :) Hope your birthday was awesome!!! LOVES

Melanie Rae Gibson said...

I hadn't seen your blog for a few days... but the interview sounds like lots of fun... so I'm in :)

Michelle said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I go under the category of #1 and my house is in shambles so...I better get cleaning and off this computer! I hope your day is the best. Laura tells me all the sweet things you do. I wish I had a sister-in-law like you and I have 5 of them! Don't tell them I said that. :)