I love me... I love me not... I love me!
I’ve recently been following the blog written by the sister of Stephanie Nielson who was burned terribly, along with her husband, in a plane crash in August. I’ve spent some time looking at Stephanies blog and been impressed, and changed, by two themes.
The first is the relationship Stephanie had with her husband. They had four kids but were still “madly in love”. As cliché as it sounds, it best describes the impression the blog gives. It didn’t hurt that they were both very attractive people, but nonethess I believe the strength of their bond will sustain them during this time.
The second attribute of Stephanie that I have determined to work towards it self-confidence. Like I said, Stephanie is beautiful. She had no inhibitions about posting pictures of herself. She seemed so secure.
What I want to say here, is that I want to be like Stephanie. But I fear judgement. We are women, we are hard on ourselves and often hard on others. Is it possible for me to believe in my own beauty without being labeled as vain?
Desperatly I want to share a sisterhood of blogging women where we can cheer on one anothers efforts to be accepting of our individuality.
In my own blog there are undertones of insecurity. I believe that one of the reasons we blog, without admitting it, is to show others that our lives are better, happier and “funner” than maybe even we think they are. Blogs are notorious for bragging. Seriously so Blessed wouldn’t be so funny if the stereotype were unfounded.
My own personal goal is emanate self-confidence, without crossing the line into self-absorption. My intentions are the best test of my standing. When I blog out of insecurity it is more likely to come across as arrogance. I hope that when I am able to relinquish my self-doubts, my sincerity will be apparent.
I want to be proud of me, without being PROUD of me.
Caloric Intake: Prepare for Launch
I can't.
I won't.
I don't even plan to try. Come January I will set the obligatory goal and work hard to pay for the consequences of my choice.

My posting a picture of myself is a big step in my quest for better self-confidence. But more on that later...
The Tag Phenomenon
What is it about blog tags that make it okay for us to talk about personal and dull factoids that, were we to bring up in conversation around adults in any other circumstance we would be thought socially inept?
I guess either we like seeing pictures of other people's refrigerators or else we are so narcissitic that we love to share 4, 6 or 8 quirks about ourselves under the guise of being "tagged".
"Well, since Bridget tagged me, I guess I'll enlighten my readers to my inner workings."
I am going to embrace my vanity and invent my own tag. The dull factoid I want to share I will call "A Moment, Most Disappointing." In fact, to really help my tagees get their wheels turning, I'll share two.
A Moment, Most Disappointing
(Someone please help me with my poor punctuation use.)
Our shower has a glitch. Periodically, I'd say every few weeks or so, it produces no hot water. Perhaps the glitch lies with the water heater. But sadly it always seems to happen on mornings when I am chilly and especially looking forward to a hot shower to warm me. The other evening, I was preparing for bed and dreading the cold sheets. In the summer, cool sheets are delightful. But as the cold nights have descended the cool sheets are misery. I decided a hot bath would be just the fix. But regrettably, that night the bath was not going to produce hot water. It is not cold water that comes in these tragic times, but luke-warm water. Resulting in me being most disappointed.
Second moment, involved a trip to the craft store. Running an errand is no small thing for a mother of two toddlers who lives in Kuna. In fact it requires some effort.
"Get your shoes on Cameron." Shoes for Eli...found them. "Cam, put your shoes on. :)" (The smile indicates my cheery voice, he responds better to cheery voice.) Jacket for Eli...found it. "Are your shoes on bud?" Jacket for Cameron...finding Cameron... "Tiger you need to get your shoes on it's time to go." Cheer quickly diminishing from voice...
Load the boys, boys are in car, car is driving, 11 miles to store. Unload Cameron. "Cameron wait for mom." Unload Eli. "Cameron watch for cars!!!!" Enter store. Looking, looking, looking. Cameron running here and there. Where are the wiggle eyes for the preschool project... Eli begging to get out of cart. No wiggle eyes. "Cameron stay by mommy if you want a treat." Asking salesgirl about wiggle eyes. Eli screaming. Salesgirl says the store has no wiggle eyes. Where is Cameron? Mommy is mad. Takes it out on poor toddlers. "Cameron let's go!" "But my treat!" "No treat, you did not stay by mommy."
No wiggle eyes.
Most disappointing.
To really get the ball rolling on my invented tag I am tagging a whole lot of ya! By golly it's gonna be all over blogland. Let's hear your most disappointing moment.
Christina, Kim, Lindsay, Dani, Krista, Laura, Kristi, SarahAnne, Michelle, Marisa, Liberty, Anne, Julie, Brenna, Stephanie, Natalie, Sara and Jessica.
And anyone else who wants to participate. But I've noticed that as much as we like to share about ourselves, we only do it when specifically asked. So I had to name some names.
It happened after all

Yep, more pictures!

Apple Pickin'
But thankfully, Krista is very thoughtful and took pictures for me. Here are a few, but to really capture the event check out Krista's blog. It will make an autumn lover out of you in no time. And if you are already an autumn lover, her pictures will confirm and deepen your autumn affection.
We went to an apple orchard and picked apples, then took a hayride to a pumpkin patch and the boys each picked a pumpkin. Cameron loved the apples. Eli took a bite out of several apples, but my little Eli is a bit clumsy and the apple inevitably found its way to the dirt before he could finish it.

A boy and his dog
Around here, we all seem to have a love-hate relationship with Misha. Well except for with Richard, subtract the love part. And we don't ever hate her, we just get frustrated. I love her because I feel safer with her here when Richard is gone. I love her because she jogs with me. And I love her because she is a beautiful and loyal dog. I dislike her when she chews, digs and acts like the puppy that she is. (And I'm still grossed out by her large canine bowel products.)
Cameron loves her when she plays with him and sometimes when she licks him. And Eli loves her through a glass door. But they both get knocked over sometimes by her over-zealous efforts at affection, resulting in some tension in the relationship.
This video is from a few weeks ago but I forgot about it until today when Cameron and Misha were playing this game again. It goes on for over a minute (I try to use one minute as my time limit for a blog video) but for Richard and grandparent's who can't get enough of their posterity, enjoy!
And the Oscar goes to.....

Great Response Team Members
No really, I was never a fan of the virtual {{hugs}} but I can't think of anything better to express my thanks.
So {{hugs}} to you all.
It was so fun to read the comments and learn that some of you have blogs I didn't even know about. For shame! And maybe I am just blessed with great blogger friends, but I want all to know that I have never had a comment I didn't appreciate.
So throw those inhibitions out the window and keep them coming. I promise to do the same for you.
Google Reader Killed the Comment Star
I argued to my family that blogging created some kind of, well, social network. Albeit superficial at times, nonetheless it brought people together. We were communicating.
We were communicating.
I don't mind sending my thoughts to the cosmic void. That sort of goes back to my original "to blog or not to blog" self struggle. I write my thoughts sometimes for my own pleasure and this is the most enjoyable forum.
But it would be self-deceit if I claimed I wrote them only for myself. I like to know that they are contributing in some way to someone else. Or contributing in some way to the relationships I share with my fellow bloggers. For example, through blogging I have better maintained relationships with people I otherwise might have lost contact with. I have also "met" new individuals and developed new relationships. I like to think that our relationships outside of blogging are strengthened by blogging.
But all this is based on a two-way street. Takes two to tango, and I am feeling a little like I have been deserted. We all have the counters, we all keep a watchful eye on how many visitors we receive. Our hearts all sink when no one responds to our carefully constructed posting.
Here is my rally cry! Don't let blogging be mindless entertainment. I will gladly step out and say that I am guilty of scrolling down through the google reader, scanning the blogs of my friends and the blogs of strangers, letting them all blur together. But this isn't the kind of blog world I ardently defended to the critics.
You don't have to patronize me with obligatory praise. Just let me know how you relate. Let me know you stopped by. Let the post evoke some kind of thought, take time to notice it, and then share it.
This is very corny. But it is sincere. I made sure of that before I let myself say it.
Don't make me do a give away to pull all the commenters out of the woodwork...
(Yes, the music is my attempt at comic relief.)
Tag Tag Tag
8 TV shows I love to watch:
I don't watch much tv these days so I'll include some old favorites
1. ER
2. Wonder Years
3. Growing Pains
4. Felicity
5. Biggest Loser
6. Smallville
7. Design on Dime
8. Wheel of Fortune
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Pita Pit
2. Carrabbas
3. Fresh off the Hook
4. PF Changs
5. el Gallo Giro
6. Applebees (I'm not ashamed to admit it!)
7. Cheesecake Factory (pretty much just for the cheesecake)
8. The Metropolitan (once in a lifetime visit)
8 Things that happened today
1. Cameron said to me "Excellent point Mommy"...Wha?
2. I drove almost to Marsing for apples that are making my van smell very good
3. We missed music & movement at the library because of said drive
4. I cut 2x4s into 3-4" blocks
5. The third and final (thank goodness!) presidential debate
6. I mowed the lawn
7. Cleaned out the wilted and withered garden
8. Had good company for lunch
8 things that I look forward to
1. $2.97 for Gas (this is what I payed in Wells, NV on Monday)
2. A 5:30pm flight from Spokane on Friday
3. My next newborn (not an announcement)
4. Christmas-time
5. Bryan coming home
6. BYU v. Utah (assuming things go well and both teams come into it undefeated)
7. no more potty mishaps
8. Misha chewing on the right things
8 Things on my wish list:
1. a KitchenAid mixer
2. new jogging shoes
3. new blinds in my kitchen and living room
4. a sewing machine
5. a quality chef's knife
6. an Italian vacation
7. ballet shoes
8. maybe I should be wishing to be less of a consumer?
8 People I tag:
1. Krista
2. Tisha (hope you see this...)
3. Lacie
4. Melanie
5. Jill
6. Brooke
7. Brit
8. Kim

But interestingly, in life there are often situations, movies, places that don't bother you or don't seem uncomfortable. That is until you change the company you are with and all of the sudden it feels awkward or inappropriate. That is how the Vegas strip is. We have been there many times but this time we took a 3 year old and an 18 month old. All of the sudden the nudity and language seemed louder and more evil. We determined that the strip is no place for kids. (Or maybe even for us for that matter, but I won't get into that.)

We did get to watch a fountain show at the Bellagio which never gets old for me. I love it every time. Here are Lori and Sean loving it.
And luckily for me, Las Vegas (or technically Henderson) has a redeeming quality. It is home to these four people. The reason we drove 784 miles.

Something about palm trees really helps you feel like you are on vacation. But it's good to be home.
How about them doughnuts?
Jo Tackles Economics
I decided it was time for me to inform myself about what is really going on here.
As I’ve mentioned my best source of education these days is podcasts. This week Ira did an episode of This American Life that could be best described as “Credit crunch for dummies”. It was just right for me, I have no background in economics and I completely rely on Richard for financial facts.
What I discovered is that the debt situation in the United States is more complicated than I could ever imagine. Well I didn’t know what I was imagining, but this was thorny. For those who do have a sound understanding of economics please don’t laugh. The jist of it is that trusts, banks, hedge funds, were all lending money they didn’t have. And I don’t mean a million dollars here or a million there, I mean amounts in the ballpark of $50 billion. I don’t want to embarrass myself by trying to explain this further so I’ll get to my point.
I think I am fiscally conservative. I took a political science class and learned all about Adam Smith, the invisible hand and laissez faire. But today I heard on the radio that Richard Fuld, CEO of Lehman Bros. was rumored to have received a payout of $480 million. He said that number was exaggerated but he admitted to receiving $250 million over a period of eight years, 60% of that in cold hard cash.
Richard has instilled in me a belief in capitalism. But how did we get to the point where one man is worth 250 million dollars. And in the process of making his fortune he built up a company only to let it be destroyed, leaving a tragic path of unemployment behind him. I realize I am being dramatic, but I really had a pit in my stomach as I thought about this. Who needs that much money?
What’s worse is that he is one of many. The people who gambled exorbitant amounts of money they didn’t really have made great fortunes too. So what now? That’s just the breaks? Live and let the golden parachutes drop?
I really do want to know your thoughts readers. But I hate to end on a negative note. SO....
Thinking positive: I am grateful for the example of Thoreau. Food, fuel, shelter and clothing.
Thanks Elder Perry for the reminder.

Eli fell in love with this little gray stuffed kitty. But don't tell Tyler.
There were so many things for Cameron to do, Richard and I were able to watch conference in peace. (For the most part.) It was a blissful getaway. We were treated so well and asked nothing in return. It had me feeling guilty...
Can't think of anything clever, not that my post titles are ever clever...(but ever clever rhymes!)
Anyway, luckily I was informed by Julie that I had been tagged by herself and Laura. If I was tagged by anyone else, I apologize for not being aware. After writing 101 things about myself this seems a little redundant, but I will try to be original.
10 Years Ago I...
1- was in the beginning of my junior year of high school
2- played crash cymbals in the marching band. I still get nostalgic this time of year when I can hear the Centennial marching band practicing from my parent's backyard
4- Am I old? I can't remember anything else...
5 things on my "to do" list today
1-clean out the garage
2- cut the boys's hair
3- finish writing the primary program
4- finish freezing my peaches
5-respond to emails
5 Snacks that I enjoy...
1- Popcorn
2- chips and salsa (I had a new and very delicious salsa this weekend)
3- protein bars (this is a new and unusual? treat)
4-brownies mushed in ice cream, Coldstone style
5- Candy
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1- hire a lobbyist to move and shake for easier international adoptions (do foreign governments allow for lobbyists?)
2- pay off a house
3- travel
4- invest (because Richard would make me)
5 places I have lived...
1- Provo, UT
2- Boise, ID
3- Fairfax, VA
4-Pocatello, ID
5-Kuna, ID
5 jobs I have had...
1- Dairy Queen
2- Deseret Industries (Here's to you Lily!)
3- ISU Early Learning Center (daycare)
4- Roaring Springs
5- Dental offices
As I wrote this it seemed familiar, have I done this post before?
I tag ____________. (Anyone who wants to do this post insert your name here.)