wally world

I decided for my birthday I really wanted fondue.  But we were out of fuel so after picking up Richard I told him we needed to stop somewhere and buy some. 

I really don't like Walmart.  But after going to two other stores that didn't have what we needed I got desperate.  I just needed the one item so Richard dropped me off at the front and I beelined to the back of the store to retrieve it.  When I returned to the front of the store I made my way to the most promising "Speedy Checkout" lane.  

After ten seconds I realized I'd made a poor choice.  The woman at the front was clearly abusing the "20 Items or Less" rule. Annoying. The line at the checkout next to me was moving much more quickly.  The gentleman in front of me, who had only bananas, noticed as well and glanced at me for my permission to move over to the other lane.  I smiled and he bailed ship. 

While the cashier rang up the woman's 30 (at least) items, a young boy played around with all the toys on the shelves.  His t-shirt read "Lock up your daughters" and his grandmother was repeating his name constantly trying to get him to leave the stuff alone.

Just as the cashier bagged the last of her items and the grandmother slid her card, the little boy walked up to the refrigerator that contained pop and other beverages.  He reached inside and grabbed some strawberry milk. 
"Put that back!" His grandmother called out desperately.  He stared at her and before she could get to him (I don't mean to imply that she moved quickly) he opened it and began to drink.  She laughed awkwardly and paid for the drink and went on her way.

I was validated in my feelings about that store and went on my way.  With all due respect Grandma, I know it has everything under the sun.  But sometimes I am just not in the mood for a lesson on charity.

Our fondue was delicious.


Brookie said...

i feel like i am the grandma in this story. whenever i take my 3 kids to ANY store, they some how loose their hearing and can't mind me at all...i feel bad for her. walmart is crazy and i don't like going there either!
as for fondue and your birthday. i love fondue...yumyum!! and i hope your birthday was fabulous!

Angela said...

My oldest....who should be the best acting ends up being the worst at the store and ends up in the basket half the time for not minding. I agree with the checkout thing...I absolutely hate when people don't obey the speedy checkout rules. Don't they understand why it's speedy??? I've never really had fondue, maybe I'll try it sometime. Happy late birthday, I did think about you yesterday!

Swensen Family said...

Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you guys know how to celebrate! I bet you're glad to have your hubby back!

Laura said...

Between bean dish and fondue, I'd say you're in to the dips! Please send recipes:)

Tisha said...

Walmart sucks, be good and don't go there ever again.
see ya tomorrow night! party time