bah! rain.

We were supposed to go camping over the weekend. Richard says I have "tunnel vision" when it comes to getaway plans like this. He had to delicately talk some reason into me after we realized that the forecast was calling for excessive rain. I was adamant that we could have fun in spite of the inclement weather, but I'm glad he persuaded me otherwise. It is a tribute to him, after these six years, that he could change my mind without making me [too] upset in my fragile state.

So Friday I did what any other woman would do under the circumstances.

(The circumstances being thus: In exchange for a week of weather much like what you would expect in Boise at the end of July, my brother and his wife in Seattle traded a weekend of weather much like what you would expect to see in Seattle. Cameron and I were disappointed to say the least about the change of weekend plans so we both needed a little cheering up. )

I went shopping. And I bought little girl things. And I loved it. But the problem with having two boys before having a girl is that they aren't enthusastic shoppers, especially for their "sister" who is still an abstract idea more than an actual being to them.

In addition to the "bubrella" that we carried in and out of stores Cameron & Eli's cheer came in the form of a Krispy Kreme doughnut; always sure to please. On our way out of Krispy Kreme, after carefully washing sugary faces and hands, an aged lady approached me and asked if she could give her extra doughnuts to the sweet little boys, one each. Sprinkles and all. I'm not sure if it was her excitement or the boys' that was impossible to resist, but Eli declared "That so nice" the entire drive home.

That's about how I felt about the weekend after avoiding a very rainy camping trip.

That so nice.


Laura said...

I can't wait until we can ACTUALLY go camping! Here's hoping for sun.

Brock and Kristina said...

oh...I want a doughnut. There was a krispy kreme down the road from us that went out of business. boo..hooo!!!

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

Eli talks in such grown up phrases and they are so cute!

The Bailey's said...

I love nice people too. We went to Mud island so much fun here in Memphis, we were going to walk over to the island instead of the tram, because it cost $$$$, as we got out of the car a man handed us 5 tickets. What a nice man! I LOVE nice people. Oh and I love shopping for girl stuff! Have so much fun!

Brit said...

Yes, we sure did enjoy the wonderful weather. Too bad I was reminded we actually do live in Seattle after work yesterday and this morning... and probably a couple more days!