Caloric Intake: Prepare for Launch

What better way to kick of the delicious holiday season than homemade peanut butter cups? Krista knocks Reese's out of the ballpark. I hear all the time about practicing self-discipline during this time of year. But what's the fun in that?

I can't.

I won't.

I don't even plan to try. Come January I will set the obligatory goal and work hard to pay for the consequences of my choice.

But I just can't pass these babies up.
So bring on the halloween candy, bring on the turkey and pie, let me drink hot cocoa every morning and Mom, I can't wait for bourbon balls on New Year's day.
This is my best "resigned to be victim of chocolate" face.

My posting a picture of myself is a big step in my quest for better self-confidence. But more on that later...


Krista said...

Are you sharing with boys? Will there be any left for Richard? At least you went for a jog today, right? Love the self portrait, too!

JoJo said...

Not sharing with the boys, good quality chocolate is lost on them. I'll save some for Richard though.

Brock and Kristina said...

Um...recipe please? If it's not a secret. I'm almost afraid to ask for it in fear I might like them too much.

Sara said...

Ah dissappointment-- I started reading this post and got excited! I thought you where sharing a yummy recipe. I too have resigned myself to chocolate-- milk, coco, candy. I have been racking my brains to remember where I put a homemade tootsie roll recipe but have not found it yet. Sad

Anne said...

You mean when I dropped off Becca, I was that close to homemade peanut butter cups?

We are all victims of chocolate.

Brandon and Natalie said...

Yes, recipe please!!! Good job on the self confidence quest - always tricky ones those are. They work the best with copious amounts of home made Reese's :)

Michelle said...

You are hilarious! I, too, have decided to "give in" to the holidays and all the yummy things associated with it. It only comes once a year and we can exercise and diet the rest of the year. Right?!?

Laura said...

That's one advantage of not having kids yet, no halloween candy around!

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

I love the self portrait, Jo. Your face says it all:)

Jamie H. said...

Those look SOOO good! Tell Krista I need her recipe. That girl, like you, can do ANYTHING, I swear!!

Wendy said...

Yum. Recipe please!!!
I love the self-portrait. You are so brave. I want to be like you when I grow up.

Brookie said...