I am totally a Neil Diamond fan. I used to be a closet Neil Diamond fan but I've decided there is no shame in liking the guy. I remember when I was a kid I loved the song "Coming to America" (today!) In college Kari and Jodi made fun of his Christmas songs (super cheesy) but I secretly LOVED them. After watching "Fever Pitch" I remembered how much I like the song "Sweet Caroline". Another favorite of mine is "Cracklin' Rosie". But right now, #3 on my playlist is "Forever in Blue Jeans". Lori pointed out that nothing brings nostalgia like Neil Diamond and the boys and I love to dance to this song. Just a week ago or so, I was thinking to myself "It would be awesome if they did Neil Diamond on Idol." I haven't even watched Idol that much and for all I knew they probably already did. But I happened to wach Idol tonight and heard the great news. I am so excited I had Cameron sing "Sweet Caroline" for everyone to see. Watch out David and Syesha, Cameron Bird knows Neil!
That was AWESOME!! What a cutie! You can tell he hears that song a lot. Gary and I love Neil too. Mostly because our parents listened to it when we were little and without thinking about it we can sing all the lyrics. I will have to watch Idol.
That was so cute...I have been singing that song all day after hearing him...I even do to bam, bam, bam part!
ok I so dont remember making fun of him, but I really try not to have any memories from hygiene, with all my therapy I have completely blocked it all out! ha, anyways I grew up on Neil infact on Sunday I watched "The Jazz singer" if I was going to be on Idol I would sing "Hello,my friend, hello!" Believe me I have already thought about it. i loved "coming to america" when I was a little girl it reminds me of going and getting a slurpee at 7/11 with my dad. Oh and by the way cameron is Freaken CUTE! I cant believe that. OH and for one good memory, (this is for Kari too) how about SAVING SILVERMAN!
I love the picture of the video of your kiddo!!! He is too cite!! I'm coming to Boise on May 12th and staying for a week! We definitely need to get together!!!
I'm such a nerd, that first sentence made no sense:) Here it goes..... I love the video of you kiddo!!!!!
I HEART NEIL DIAMOND...I went to his concert when he was here it rocked!
Cameron does a great Neil Diamond - I love it!! I am also a fan...I saw him in concert several years ago.
Way too cute. I miss that kid! He is adorable. While I know those songs and like them too I simply couldn't have told you who sang them. I did dance to Coming to America in Junior high and I think my body has the moves still programed. Yikes.
That video is so cute! I love when kids sing!
I think Cam has his first stalker... Ellie keeps pushing the play button over and over. I guess we better start a fan club. I thought I had at least 9 more years before I had to worry about this - ugh.
I was lucky enough to be with Cameron when we watched David Archuletta sing "Sweet Caroline" on Idol and he sang it even better than David! Spoken like a true grandma.....
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