My Guy Richard

I'm not usually the type to brag about my husband. In fact there is a joke with my in-laws that I am the "brutally honest wife". But Richard has been juggling all kinds of things lately and I want to pay tribute. He's out of town now and when he is gone he likes to check the blog. So this is mostly for you Richard. I sure do love ya.

What I love about Richard: (In brief form)

1. He reassures my guilty conscience.
2. He flatters me to excess.
3. He holds himself to a high spiritual standard
4. I dream the dream, Richard executes the dream.
5. He gives his best effort professionally.
6. He takes his role as father seriously.
7. He broadens my horizons.
8. He embraces my interests.
9. He protects me from disappointment and shares bad news delicately.
10.He sees what's good in me.


Wendy said...

You have such a way with words, Jo. Richard is lucky to have you!

MKB said...

I am glad I'm not the only brutally honest wife. I think people get offended that I am that got a good hubby (not as good as mine according to me at least:)).

MKB said...
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Krista said...

I do have a way with words! I think Coy would put me in that "brutally honest" category, too. And I must say....nice picture of Richard!

The Bailey's said...

Richard really is such a good guy, I love your writing too, you have always had a way with wording things, richard is lucky to have you too! I love that picture of you two. I still always laugh when I here the word Captain Moroni at church it always reminds me of you two and what you used to call Richard (I hope I didnt get you in trouble!)

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

I agree, Jo. Rich is a lucky guy to have a wife who appreciates him as much as you do. And such a great mom, too!

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

By the way, I'm still waiting for your comments on my new blog.....

The Bailey's said...

It was so fun that you came to see me today, I loved seeing your kids and seeing you again, it has been over 2 years and it seemed like we hadnt skipped a beat, anyways i forgot to tell you that Eric always talks about how richard proposed and how it was the best ever and how richard makes every man in america look bad, that should make richard feel good, anyways you should blog about it and tell everyone, I would love to hear the story again!