
So obviously I'm busy.  Too busy to introduce you to a new Mormon yesterday.  Sorry if you were really looking forward to that...

Here are a few things that have been blog-neglected.

Cameron graduated from Kindergarten.  I won't blog too much about that noteworthy experience because it wouldn't be fair to embarrass him.  Besides, I'm pretty sure Richard and I will never forget it.  But I thought this picture of his buddies was cute.  Poor Marcello looks a bit out of his comfort zone...
Miriam is now 18 months old.  Yay for nursery! She is Trouble.  Note the capital "T."  I had two boys before she came along, and between the two of them they didn't cause me as much anxiety and frustration as she does.  Someday when I've recovered I'll blog about how I lost her at Eagle Island.   
And little Simon is three months old.  I love the color of his hair.  It is hard to tell in pictures but it's kind of a rusty reddish-brown.  He's smiling quite a bit but also likes to be held quite a bit.  The poor little guy practically has to beg for attention, but rewards you when you give it. 

 Eli ran in his first race.  He had been begging to run a race for awhile but given that he has the nickname of "Tortoise" I was skeptical that he would actually enjoy it.  Since this one was only a half-miler I signed him up, and Richard accompanied him.  It took a little encouragement but he did pretty well.  The picture is really blurry but you get the idea.  Go Eli-Pie!


Krista said...

I'm glad you shared the graduation story with me, I really needed it. I am a little curious about how you lost Miriam though....sounds traumatic! Simon is growing way too fast and look at Eli go, how cute!!

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

I haven't heart the graduation story either.
Great pics of the kids. It made me want to grab Simon and squeeze him!

Laura said...

Graduation story??? :)

I love little Simon's smile. I'm excited to see what his little personality will be.