social recluse

According to the Urban Dictionary a social recluse is someone who voluntarily removes themselves from social situations or society altogether. I've become one. It is interesting that I have, because I wrote in my journal on December 28th the following quote from Elder Russel M. Nelson.

"Each day of your life strive to enlarge your own circle of friendship."

I fear that I have done the exact opposite and every day of my life since I wrote those words I have decreased my circle of friendship. Sorry friends.

I'm not sure why this is. Nesting has taken over and I have become slightly obsessed with things like organizing closets, cleaning carpets and yardwork (in January?!). It might also be related to the fact that none of my clothes that fit me and are comfortable are acceptable in public.

Even Richard has been converted to my anti-social mentality and we spend our weekends together just the two of us reading books or watching movies after the kids go to bed.

I'm not sure what to make of it all, except that it really is exactly the opposite of what I want. Or maybe not, maybe what I think I want isn't actually what I want...

In any case, next Tuesday I get to board an airplane by myself and enjoy a long flight of quiet time across the country. Then I get to spend three full days with a dear friend in the sunny (hopefully) state of Florida. After which I will enjoy another day of quiet travel without hearing any whining from a five year old, losing my patience with a three year old or picking boogers out of the nose of a one year old.

Perhaps I'm saving all my social juices for my trip. Maybe I'll return a new and more friendly individual.


meredith c. said...

i totally hear you, and i think youve figured it out..

ive found that i am at home most of the time doing the organizing and cleaning, movies and books, as well... limiting my social interactions, considerably.

BUT when i do decide to go out, though not a trip to florida, i tend to make the tri mor meaningful, fun and with people ESPECIALLY important, and not just acquaintances. i think its a little parts getting older, and a little parts getting wiser. who has all that energy to spend with acquaintances or extra money to do things that are just "alright"?

being a single LDS women there is a craoload of pressure to attend every and any thing on the (now off-) chance you will meet someone... since moving to los angeles i am rejecting that mentality, and much happier for it.

SO GIRL, you stay in and read, or go out and pull weeds... then when you do decide to grace others with your presence, youll be more pleasant, and rested :)

also, i think that if i was pregs i might feel the same way about staying in, until moo moos make their runway debut... TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE.

longest comment. but i adore you, and your thoughts (and kids:))

Carly Faye said...

I kind of want to copy and paste this blog post to my blog...

The Gwilliams said...

Ha, that's funny b/c I've been the same way this month. i've totally done the nesting thing and have spent every day doing some type of organizing or cleaning. hopefully this baby will draw me out again!

Laura said...

Oh Jo, you have every right to be a recluse, especially since Richard's been traveling. You don't do it all the time, so I wouldn't worry:)

Tisha said...

i'm dying to talk with you on this very subject....
woot! woot!