Don't we all love this?

I suppose most of you have read this on Facebook. That's where I discovered it. But it delighted me. Enjoy, and keep your snit to yourself.


Tom and Michelle said...

Love, love, love this. How true! Thanks for posting this. I love reading your blog. It is so refreshing to hear what you have to say. Oh and your boys are stinkin' cute. I feel a little biased, but not fully so the compliment counts!

Tisha said...

Heck yes i do!!!
love it love it love it.
i also love when friends finally have kids and find out that all the "advice" they gave me was garbage - like: "he still has a binkie? MY kids won't have a binkie past 1!!!"

Joleen said...

I Love it!

Laura said...

That is awesome! I was angry just reading what that darn Tacoma had to say. Great response though, I love it and I don't even have kids!

Bryan said...

"It's resisting constant temptation to seek short-term relief at everyone's long-term expense."

That's profound, and, I'm expecting, the truly "hard work of parenting."