this girl has no self-discipline

I spent the second half of last week in Idaho Falls visiting family and friends and friends who feel like family. A road trip usually means fast food. One night after dinner at Arby's (no offense Arby's, it tasted great) I was lying in bed feeling sick. I thought of this line from Austin Powers.

"I eat because I'm depressed, I'm depressed because I eat. It's a vicious cycle."

Mine is more like this.

"I eat crap. I feel like crap. I vow to eat better. I feel better. So I eat crap again."

I'm sorry for all the times I've used crap in this post. I'm sure my dad is thinking that I should utilize my vocabulary to better express myself. Sorry Dad.

Healthy eaters unite. I mean it this time.

(Well, that is, as soon as I finish this cheesecake.)


Krista said...

Remember Jo, it is Girl Scout cookie season. Let's be realistic :)

Brit said...

In an attempt to make you feel better... last night I made donuts and brownies. I had a donut, brought the brownies to a baptismal fireside and after had dessert with friends which meant another donut and a piece of cake. And for breakfast this morning, yep, another donut!

Oh, and I think the above may be a run-on sentence!

I am just right with you every bite and poor grammar/sentence construction.

Brock and Kristina said...

Here's a twist to your cycle:
We eat crap. Feel like crap. Crap tastes like crap. We have to eat healthy, to feel healthy, so we can enjoy crap again. Repeat.

Brooke said...

Your post cracked me up because it is SO true! You could not have said it any better.