I'm sure there aren't any parents out there who have ever harbored ill feelings toward their newborn for those frequent nocturnal disturbances. But on the off chance that there are individuals who could use a little something to motivate them out of their beds as the infant whimpers arouse them from slumber, I've discovered a trick.
Adorable jammies. Just seeing her all cozy in her polka-dot footsies and I can't wait to have her in my arms. These are my favorites and I just want to nuzzle her up the instant I see her in them.
Yep, even at 2:00am.** For clarification, my birthday is not until February. Yesterdays post was just my thoughts on aging, not a birthday lament. Not yet.
I would LOVE to snuggle that cutie, even at 2:00 am! She is so precious. And the jammies are pretty cute too!
That's my favorite part of having newborns. Even if the jammies aren't the cutest. I just love to snuggle them when they are little!
I wish I could wear pj's like that!
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