I'm great, really.

After a few phone calls from concerned family members I decided I better clarify. I'm not actually experiencing post-partum depression or anything. In fact the only depressing issue around here is that it rained for 24 hours straight and I would have loved for it to be snow. Oh how much snow it would have been! But alas, our white landscape has been washed away by winter rain. Blah.

In any case, check out the song "It Snowed" by Meaghan Smith. I can't get enough of her voice. You can download a free "holiday sampler" from iTunes with the likes of David Archy and Barry Manilow. Twenty free tunes, including this new favorite of mine. Enjoy!


Brit said...

Glad to hear everything is going well minus the weather. I'm not going to lie, in the mornings I love to see that it either rained or is raining... so I don't have to scrape the car!

Brenna said...

Glad you are doing good! 3 was a big transition for me. Thanks for the tip on the music, I am downloading it right now.

Laura said...

We downloaded the CD and LOVE it!