returned from the hills

I borrowed this picture from my mother-in-law.

We spent three days camping over the weekend. It was great. I forgot my camera. I had mixed feelings of being frustrated not being able to capture moments by photograph and being relieved to not worry about capturing the moments. Here's my top 10 favorite things about the trip.

10. Starry nights and sunny days.
9. Hours of swimming with the little guys.
8. The softball sized bullfrog that would hop around the campground at night.
7. Night swimming. (Yes, I realized during that it probably wasn't safe.)
6. Devoting a couple late night hours to speculating about the national guard helicopter doing spotlight searches and the Sheriff's boat doing "random patrols" around the lake. We were sure they were looking for either a dead body or an escaped convict. Neither, it turns out.
5. Having a major comeback playing Ticket to Ride with Richard. (Or just playing a dozen games of TTR with Richard. The winning was a bonus.)
4. Dutch oven cooking.
3. Feeling like the stalls in the marina restroom were swaying after spending so much time on the boat.
2. Watching Richard, in his element, on the waterski.
1. Of course, just watching pure delight on the boys's faces as they expolored, played, and swam.


Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

You captured it well, Jo. It was a ton of fun and we'll have to do it again real soon.

The Watson Gang said...

Very fun. I love camping, although we don't do it often, it is stressful with little kids, and a husband who lives on the water. wait sounds like you! hahaha lol
miss ya jo, congrats on your news, a little girl, yay

Laura said...

I loved it too Jo! Thanks for planning and letting me come along. I really think we should play ticket to ride again soon!

Angela said...

We love playing ticket to ride...too bad it wasn't around when we were hanging out together!