that luckie Duckie

On our Hall Family Getaway my dad put together some questions that we used for mealtime discussion. One of the questions went something like this.

Is there a book/song/movie that can always cheer you up when you are feeling down?

A few days ago, although I wasn't exactly feeling down I was certainly cheered by the wit of Dr. Seuss. In fact, I can always count on his nonsensical words and imaginative characters to cheer me. The book presented to me by Cameron for reading was Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

**Thank you to a very special uncle for this great gift!

Here are a few lines from the whimsical story of Duckie in the Desert of Drize to cheer you this week.

"When you think things are bad,
when you feel sour and blue,
when you start to get mad...
you should do what I do!
Just tell yourself, Duckie,
you're really quite lucky!
Some people are much more...
oh, ever so much more...
oh, muchly much-much more
unlucky than you!

It's a troublesome world. All the people who're in it
are troubled with troubles almost every minute.
You ought to be thankful, a whole heaping lot,
for the places and people you're lucky you're not!

Suppose that you lived in that forest in France,
where the average young person just hasn't a chance
to escape from the perilous pants-eating-plants!
But your pants are safe! You're a fortunate guy.
And you ought to be shouting, "How lucky am I!"

That's why I say, "Duckie!
Don't Grumble! Don't stew!
Some critters are much-much,
oh, ever so much-much,
so muchly much-much more unlucky than you!"


Bryan said...

Personally, I'm glad I'm not the Hawtch-Hawtcher Bee watcher watcher.

Laura said...

Does music count as something you could classify into that "what makes you instantly happy" group? If so, George Strait always makes me happy:) haha