Feeling Deflated

This day did not start out well. I accomplished a few things this morning but then as usual I found myself at the computer. I was reading various blogs that were making me feel like I was loading bricks into a backpack carried by my spirit. I was quite blogged down, if you will. You know, sometimes you read something on a blog that provides you with a link to another blog, etc. Well I was on a trail of tough moral questions, death and tragedy. The weight of the world.

Well I had to run some errands before a staff meeting I had to be at so I pulled myself away from the black hole that was dragging me down into a depressed abyss and gathered up the boys. After loading everything in the car (why does it seem like I am packed for a European tour when I leave the house for a few hours?) I backed out into the driveway. Something didn't feel right. Flat tire.

You know how sometimes you are feeling so down that you are just apathetic? Past the point of frustration or tears. Just . . . whatever. Bring it on, it won't phase me.

I can't say what turned my mood. I knew I needed to snap out of it. My orange flowers certainly helped me cheer up. About 75% of the flowers I planted in my yard are orange. Now that fall is coming it seems just right.

This helped too. Seriously moms, am I wrong? A smile from the offspring does wonders.
I just want to send a little cheer out to all of my readers. There is so much chaos out there in the big world. The burdened economy, the angry political campaigns, and natural disasters leaving devastation in their path.

My friend Jaymie who has been through something terrible has demonstrated to me that happiness is a choice. So I will be optimistic, did I not learn anything from President Hinckley?

In the words of Tim Myers "Life is beautiful it's true when I balance what I do and enjoy the world in front of me." (Listen/See below.)

So to those who are still reading, I reward you with a great quote I read on the blog of my friend Stephanie(who exudes joy):

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman


Laura said...

Jo you are an inspiration. Thanks for this pick-me-up. I hope your day goes better tomorrow!

Jaymie Quigley said...

Thanks for the credit. You make it sound so much easier than it really is. But when all else fails girl friends, chocolate, and a few good mom jokes will do wonders.

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

Those are great reasons to smile, Jo. I am amazed by your constant good attitude and choice of happiness; however, it makes everyone feel good and normal to know that we all have those days. It's what makes the good ones so good!

SarahAnne said...

Great thoughts. Thanks for the uplifting read!

Anne said...

It's easy to get down with so much negative going on around us. But you are right, President Hinckley was always positive. When so many others were telling the youth they lived in an evil world, President Hinckley was optimistic and telling the the positive. I loved that.

And those flowers of your are beautiful! I need more of that kind of cheer in my front yard.

Wendy said...

I love that last quote. Thanks.

Lisa O said...

Nothing cheers me up like a running hug from one of my boys coupled with a big smile like the one Eli is sporting!