There are a lot of things I love about Kuna, and most of them I will save for another post another day. But last Friday my visiting teacher told me about the Kuna High School Ag Expo. (That's Agriculture Expo for you city dwellers.) The FFA (Future Farmers of America, again for the city dwellers) sponsored this event for a week where they had farm animals, tractors, displays about crops, dairies, etc at the high school which is only 2 minutes 43 seconds from our house. It was so neat. The boys just loved it. Except Eli wasn't too fond of the large noisy animals.

They had baby chicks to hold and Cameron loved that. Eli liked it too after his initial confusion of the soft, chirpy thing Cameron was shoving in his face.

They handed out ice cream to the kids with a little "Ice cream comes from milk...milk comes from cows..." spiel. This was by far Eli's favorite part, I'm sure.

Cameron got to climb up into a big tractor. What a little boys dream! He got a little scared though. When I climbed up with him and put my hands on the steering wheel he said "Don't drive it Mom."

I got a couple good laughs from the warning stickers on the combine. Who makes these up? What exactly are they trying to say?

Almost all of the animals had young offspring with them. This goat had two little...baby goats? What do you call a baby goat? Obviously I didn't learn that much. The goats were some of the noisy animals Eli wasn't too fond of.

My favorite! Ever since I saw the original Charlotte's Web when I was a kid I've loved little piggies. This mama pig was huge.

These are a couple calves. The brown one was only three days old. The girl let us in to pet them but Cameron told me he was scared of them. There were also horses, which Cameron loved and was not scared of petting, cows, chickens, rabbits, and sheep.

Nothing tops off a fun afternoon like saturated fats. We went to Artic Circle where Eli devoured french fries and Cameron had a "courtesy cone". (Another thing I love about Kuna, or I guess that would be something I love about Artic Circle.) As we ate our french fries and mini-corndogs an employee brought us wax-dipped, I mean chocolate or orange dipped ice cream cones. They are called "courtesy cones" because they are free. How nice.