Another Snowy Day

The sun came out for a little while yesterday and Cameron was itchin' to go outside. Usually we go out during Eli's nap but I thought that maybe Eli could benefit from a little fresh air too.
Cameron helped me shovel the driveway for a little while, not a very effective shovel though.
Then he decided to try eating snow.
I love this picture of Eli. Most of the time we were outside he just sat in his stroller, ate snacks and soaked it all in. Here he is sitting in the back of the van while I put the stroller away.
This is Cameron splashing in puddles and refusing to come inside.

1 comment:

Rick & Amber said...

Jo, I'm so glad you found my blog so I could find yours. Now I'll visit it every day and feel like we've become reacquainted. Your boys are darling. It's so fun to see everyone with their families. I'll keep in touch!