Well, I would post pictures of our trip to Las Vegas last week to visit my sister but I spent nearly the whole week in the hospital with colitis. So, no pictures. But Cameron did have lots of fun with his cousin Charlie and Adri (my sister) and my Mom had their hands full with the three little guys. So these are just some pictures I took the other day.

Sometimes Cameron asks for things so often at a "bad time" that I get into the habit of saying no without really even bothering to think about why. This happened yesterday when he wanted to blow bubbles. At first I said "No" out of habit but then I thought, why not? It was actually a good time, it was that time of day when Richard is usually getting home. When he is out of town that time of day is always the hardest for me. So we took the bubbles and the ball and bat to the backyard and played outside for over an hour. It was a perfect September evening and Cameron was as happy as I have ever seen him. I am just ashamed that I don't take advantage of these moments more often.

This is Cameron trying to get Harley (the neighbor's cat) to blow bubbles. He likes cats and dogs as long as they don't get TOO close.

Eli is just starting to sit up on his own. He loves it outside too, just like Cameron.

It is so hard to get Cameron to smile for the camera with his real smile. This was lucky timing.